Legal information

Camping du lac de Saint Point

Address: Lac de Saint Point Lamartine, 71520 - Saint-Point
Tel: 06 07 60 70 11
SIRET: 84821948100019
RCS: Macon B 848 219 481
VAT: FR31848219481
Capital : 8 000,00 EURO

The site is hosted by the company Niwanet.

, Boulevard Jean Moulin 44100 NANTES
Tel: 02 51 80 88 88
Fax: 02 51 80 88 87
RCS : Nantes B 410 557 151
SIRET : 41055715100033

The consultation of the site is subject to the full acceptance and respect by the users of the following conditions of use.

The Internet user undertakes to use the information contained on the Site for personal and non-commercial purposes. In the event of non-observance of the provisions of this Charter, by the Net surfer, his civil and/or penal responsibility could be committed.

Content of the Site

The site is operated by the company Camping du lac de Saint Point .

The site presents the company’s activities Camping du lac de Saint Point .

Intellectual Property

The Site constitutes a work of which Francecom is the author within the meaning of articles L111.1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

In general, the data, programs, musical samples, texts, information, logos, visual identities, images, whether animated or not, and their formatting appearing on the site are the property of Francecom (except for photos belonging to the company Camping du lac de Saint Point and texts written by the company Camping du lac de Saint Point) and are protected as such by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.

Every Internet user undertakes not to use them and not to allow anyone to use these contents for illegal purposes.

Any representation or reproduction, total or partial, permanent or temporary, on a data-processing support and/or paper, and by some process that it is (in particular by way of framing*), of one or other of the elements of the Site or services offered for sale, without the prior and express consent of Francecom is prohibited, and constitutes an act of counterfeiting, which may result in civil and/or criminal penalties. Only the paper printout is authorized for the purposes of private copying for the exclusive use of the copier within the meaning of Article L122-5 2° of the Intellectual Property Code.

No hypertext link to the Site can be installed without the prior and express agreement of Francecom.

*The action of capturing the content of pages of an Internet site to transfer it to its own Internet site by means of a hypertext link, making the said content appear as its own.

Photo credits

Non contractual pictures.
Etienne Ramousse


The company Camping du lac de Saint Point declines all responsibility for any malfunctions that may occur on the site and lead to a loss of data or unavailability of access to the information produced on it.

The elements presented on the site are subject to change without notice and are made available to Internet users without any guarantee of any kind, express or implied.

The presence of hypertext links on the website – regardless of whether or not the company has previously given its consent Camping du lac de Saint Point – does not create a solidarity of responsibility between this one and the owners of the other sites, as for the contents of the sites on which the Net surfer is redirected.

The company Camping du lac de Saint Point cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information on the website. In the same way, it cannot guarantee the absence of modification by a third party (intrusion, virus).

In addition, the Internet user is solely responsible for the use he makes of the content of the Site . Except in the case of gross negligence on the part of the company Camping du lac de Saint PointIn the event that the information provided on the website is used for any purpose other than for the purpose for which it is intended, the company shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage arising from the use of the information provided on the website.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

All the information published on the site and the use that is made of it are subject exclusively to French law. Only the courts within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal de Dijon are competent to hear any disputes arising from the use of the website.

14 Saint Jean Street
75017 Paris

General terms and conditions of sale

The site does not allow to make a purchase on the site. The General Terms and Conditions of Sale are available in the section Documents to download, or on request at the address

Information about cookies on our site

Detailed information about cookies and how they are handled on the site is available here: Cookie Policy (EU)

You can learn more about the use of cookies by visiting the CNIL website:

Information on privacy policy and personal data management:

Detailed information about the privacy policy and the management of personal data